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  • Sam

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June 3rd

A big thanks to everyone who attended our online video meeting.

It was good to see familiar faces and to hear that everyone is keeping well.

We had a chat about the website update and I appreciated the positive feedback.

The gallery has been further populated and really is showcasing the talent we have in the club. I do encourage our members to send me some images. We have had new logo ideas submitted and I'm collating these at present.

Jimmy shared a fascinating story of the silver jewellery he made from recycled film. (See below for more detail).

We also had a long blether about what we could add to the clubs equipment cupboard.

I've added an email contact for Dougie so you can easily get in touch with him by email to book out the clubs equipment. You will find it on the committee members page here.

Just over a week until the Equaliser Competition deadline so get your entry in to Jim.


Jimmy shared a fascinating story of the jewellery he made using silver which had been recycled from old film. He created these pieces using the gas hob in his kitchen and a great deal of talent and creativity.

"The product is called “ art clay“ which is water soluble and used just like clay. It can be moulded shaped and carved. In the photo the only piece moulded is the dragon,

All the rest are hand made. The leaf ( bottom left ) this was done by painting a thin layer of silver on to a natural leaf, when dry another layer is put on, repeat this until the required thickness is achieved. The leaf is then fired, the natural leaf is burnt off leaving the silver, 999 pure silver. I registered at the assay office in Edinburgh and had most of the items hallmarked."


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