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  • Sam

Zoom ...zoom... zoom

June 17th

Another Wednesday in lockdown brings another Zoom meeting. Lovely to see the regulars tonight and a new face too.

We saw three more sets of Lockdown Scavenger images tonight. Thanks to Richard, Petra and Kyle. Some creative imagesthere.

Jim demonstrated using Luminosity masks in Photoshop to subtly edit a photograph. An interesting technique which looks more nuanced than the Shadows & Highlights sliders! I'm hoping Jim can do a video using this technique to put on the website.


Equaliser Competiton

All the images have now been submitted. They can be viewed in the club's Image Gallery here. Members should have all received an email on how to vote for your favourite to decide the winner. If you didn't get the email then please get in touch with myself or Jim.

Voting closes on the 30th June.


I'm sorry I didn't do a blog post last week but as always it was good to catch up with others.


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